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What Do You Know about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?
Chlamydia, herpes, and gonorrhea are sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs are also commonly called sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Millions of new STIs occur in the U.S. each year. Take this quiz to find out more about STIs, as well as how to protect yourself from them.
Gender words are used here to talk about anatomy and health risk. Please use this information in a way that works best for you and your provider as you talk about your care.
1. STIs are most common in which age group?
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Nearly half of all STIs occur in people ages 15 to 24. But other age groups are not immune. Whenever people have unprotected sex with multiple partners, or the partner of a monogamous person has sex with multiple people, the risk increases for STIs. These diseases affect men and women of all racial backgrounds, ages, and economic levels.
2. The overall number of cases of STIs is:
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Some STIs are much lower in number than they have been, but the overall number of STIs is rising. Having multiple sex partners is a major risk factor for getting STIs. Research has also found that people with an STD are 2 to 5 times more likely to get HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. They are also more likely to pass HIV on to others.
3. As long as a person has no symptoms of an STI, they:
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Most STIs cause symptoms for only a short time. Or they cause no symptoms at all. This is more likely to be true in men. If a person has had multiple sex partners during their life, they are at risk of getting an STI. If a person is infected with an STI, they can pass it on to a sex partner—even if no symptoms are present. If you have more than one sex partner, or if your partner has had more than one partner, experts recommend that you get screened for STIs.
4. Which of these is a health problem that can be caused by STIs in women?
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PID occurs when STIs spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes. PID can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Certain human papillomavirus (HPV) infection strains, which causes genital warts, can cause cervical cancer. A pregnant woman with an STD can pass the disease on to their baby. Some of these illnesses can cause permanent disabilities or death to the developing fetus or newborn.
5. Which is the most common STI caused by bacteria?
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About 2.8 million new cases of chlamydia are reported each year. Untreated chlamydia can lead to PID in women. But most people with chlamydia don't have symptoms. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. Because so many people have chlamydia, sexually active female teens and young women, as well as older women at risk, should be screened every year for this STI. People who are treated for chlamydia should be retested 3 to 4 months after treatment.
6. One symptom of genital herpes is:
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Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It is a viral infection that has no cure. The blisters or sores in the genital area usually go away within a few days or up to 2 weeks, but the virus stays in the body. The sores or blisters may come back from time to time. A tingling or burning in the legs, buttocks, or genital area usually happens just before the blisters show up. Medicines are available to treat and prevent genital herpes outbreaks and help prevent passing it on to others. But these medicines don't get rid of the virus.
7. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics. What problem has occurred recently in treatment?
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Because of antibiotic resistance, only one class of antibiotics is able to treat gonorrhea—the cephalosporins. The most common symptom of gonorrhea is a discharge from the vagina or penis and painful or difficult urination. Women with gonorrhea can develop PID, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. Overall, STIs that are caused by bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.
8. Which major organ can be affected by untreated syphilis?
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Although the first symptoms of syphilis are mild, this STD eventually can be fatal if it isn't treated. The first symptom is a painless sore called a chancre that can show up near or on the genitalia, the mouth or anus, or on the hands. It can take years for syphilis to become advanced. It involves the heart and central nervous system. Syphilis is most often treated with penicillin.
9. Which of these are other types of STIs?
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Chancroid is an STI caused by bacteria. It occurs in the U.S. in outbreaks from time to time, but it is common in sub-Saharan Africa. Like genital herpes and syphilis, the first symptom of chancroid is an open sore on the genitals. Lymph nodes in the groin swell and become painful. Scabies is a skin infection with a tiny mite. It is fairly common and highly contagious. It can be spread through sexual contact. But it also can be passed on by nonsexual contact with skin, infested sheets, towels, and furniture. Scabies causes intense itching, especially at night. Small red bumps or lines appear on the body where the female scabies mite has burrowed into the skin to lay her eggs. Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral infection that most often affects young children, who pass it to one another through saliva. In adults, the virus is passed on sexually. Symptoms are bumps on the chest, genitals, lower abdomen, buttocks, or inner thighs. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) can be passed from one person to another not only through sexual contact but also through blood. This is a rare disease in the U.S. It is mostly found among IV drug users and people who have genital ulcers or a history of syphilis. HIV is also usually passed sexually.
10. The cytomegalovirus (CMV) can be spread by sexual contact and also by:
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CMV is a member of the herpesvirus family. It is spread not only by sexual contact, but also by other forms of contact. The virus is found in saliva, urine, and other bodily fluids. Because the virus is also often found in semen, as well as in secretions from the cervix, it can be spread by sexual contact. People in a day-care setting who care for children 3 and younger are at higher risk of getting CMV. The virus doesn't spread easily. Casual contact with an infected person doesn't usually pass on the infection. Like other herpesviruses, CMV has no cure. But the virus usually stays inactive in the body.
11. To lower your risk of getting an STI:
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Correctly using male condoms and other barriers such as female condoms and dental dams every time can reduce the risk for STIs.
Other ways include:
Don't have a partner who has other sexual partners.
Don't have sex with people who have, or who you think have, an STI.
The best way to not get an STI is to not have sexual contact with others. It is also important to get tested and treated for STIs to protect yourself and others.
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Sather, Rita RN
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Wojcik, Stacey, MBS, BSN, RN